Archive for October 2016

Indigenous Tribes Promote Sustainable Solutions

Indigenous People are humanity’s connection to the land and to its’ history. Whether it is through an understanding of plant-medicine, ceremony, or stewarding the land, we all have a lot to learn from tribal communities. Long before Bill Mollison coined the term Permaculture, natives were living and working in harmony with the natural elements in…

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Amazon Jungle Survival Guide – For Visiting Tribes in the Brazilian Amazon

amazon jungle survival guide

The Amazon jungle is an amazing place, lush, green, full of life. It’s one of the most biodiverse regions of the world. Which is why it may feel like everything is trying to eat you. Travel in the Amazon can be slow and unpredictable, due to heavy rains, no roads, lack of regular transportation, and the fact that gasoline is like gold. Almost all travel is done by river, and the only way to get to many Indian villages

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Get an Extreme Tribal Makeover at the Yawanawá Festival

The artist goes tribal at the Yawanawa festival

Tribal festivals are a great way to immerse yourself in the indigenous culture of the Amazon Basin. Tribes like the Yawanawá, Huni Kui and the Kuntanawa in the state of Acre, Brazil, like to host festivals and welcome outside visitors. Festivals like these are the fantastic events to attend because you get to see and participate

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