The Shamanic Secrets to Purpose, Power & Prosperity | Lorna Liana – EN31

Welcome to today’s episode of The EntheoNation Podcast! In this episode, I am joined by Rachael Sessions who is a plant medicine advocate, shamanic guide and musician. She interviews me at the Modern Shaman Summit about accessing the gifts of the earth and the energy of nature to empower ourselves. We all have the ability to become visionary leaders and light workers, it is just a matter of tapping into our own innate power and getting in sync with the world around us. During our chat, we look at the beginning of my quest, how I found my calling and how this calling fits into these troubling times. We give special attention to power and money. Rachael and I also discuss the idea of remuneration for shamanic practices and services and the ethics around this. We finish off our discussion with a meditation on the importance of community and finding your tribe. I believe this to be the most important step in any person’s spiritual journey and there is no reason in the age of connectivity that you cannot find your people. Finally we are blessed to have a beautiful song by Aayam to carry us out of the episode, so tune in to get it all!

Key Points From This Episode:

  • Differences between Eastern Shamanism and examples from the Amazon.
  • Proper, non-parasitic etiquette when visiting restricted areas in the rain forest.
  • A turning point in Lorna’s life in 2004 in the Brazilian Amazon.
  • A message from the forest that Lorna received and chose to to accept as her calling.
  • Lorna’s shamanic training and the idea of lineage.
  • Connecting these shamanic practices with prosperity, power and purpose.
  • Reasons why shamanism has garnered a mixed reputation with regards to money and power.
  • Should spirituality and shamanism be free? Or what payment is appropriate?
  • Lorna’s belief in the power of your tribe and how this can allow you to grow.
  • How to connect with a tribe and utilizing online tools such as email.
  • And much more!

Art by David Hewson


“I know there can be a lot of negative connotations around shamanism and power and so what I want to emphasize is that the power that I am talking about is not power over other people.” — @EntheoNation [0:20:15.4]

“I think what is really exciting and needed in this world right now is this integration of people who are interested in these plant medicine traditions but who come from other backgrounds.” — @EntheoNation [0:28:06.1]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Entheonation on Patreon

Modern Shaman Summit

Rachael Sessions on Bandcamp

Rachael Sessions

Entheonation Spiritual Evolution

The Jaguar that Roams the Mind

World Ayahuasca Conference

Shaman Songs of the Amazon Rainforest

Aayam on Bandcamp

Art by David Hewson

Medicine Music for the Soul


Gran espíritu, gran abuela, gran abuelo
como soy me presento ante ti
como soy te pido bendiciones
y agradezco el corazón que has puesto en mi

Cuando vengo no mas vengo, no mas vengo
gran espíritu sabrás a lo que vengo
a entregar mi corazon, mi corazon
corazón que es lo único que tengo

Corazón que es lo único que tengo
Corazón que es lo único que tengo


Great spirit, great grandmother, great grandfather
I stand before you as I am
As I am, I ask for your blessings
I appreciate the heart you have placed in me
When I come, I’ll come no more, I’ll come no more
Great spirit you will know why I’ve come
To give my heart, my heart
Heart that is all that I have
Heart that is all that I have
Heart that is all that I have


Birds of Paradise

Desert Dwellers


The Human Experience


Phuture Primitive

Shaman’s Dream

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