Refund Policy

Refund / Exchange Policy

We are proud to offer quality-assured products, programs, and more that have been tested and proven to have spectacularly mind-blowing results for body, mind, and spirit.  Everything we share here is carefully selected to produce optimum results, and we have the endorsements and testimonials from many people around the world.
Here at EntheoNation we want to provide you with the tools and training that will truly help you activate your highest potential and expand your consciousness horizons. Of course, your success with any of these offerings depends equally on the commitment that you put into it, and your choice to fully put into practice and embody what is offered here.
Here are some of the things we will be sharing with you:


Our 30 Day Guarantee:

We are 100% committed to giving you tools and strategies that  …. . Our goal is to deliver what we promise and so much more.
That’s why we guarantee that our programs will ….. when you do the work and implement the system.
We’re so committed to you getting the results you want, that if you’re not experiencing them, we will make sure that you get extra support from our team.
If you do the program assignments, ask for support, implement and you still don’t see …… then simply let us know within 30 days from the start date of the program and we’ll be happy to return your investment, less a $125 processing fee.
*We require that you fill out our refund questionnaire and submit your completed homework before we refund you.
If you are on a payment plan, you agree to make all payments you have committed to.


There are no refunds on downloadable MP4 video, MP3 audio or Ebook products. This is because there is no way for us to verify whether or not the customer downloaded all the media prior to seeking refund.


A refund or exchange will be issued when the product has been returned and received by us undamaged, as new within 30 days of purchase.
If you have any questions feel free to contact our Client Care Support – Support [AT]

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