Archive for September 2019

Uncensored Review of Soltara Ayahuasca Retreat Center

Soltara Healing Center is an all-inclusive plant medicine retreat center in Costa Rica that offers ayahuasca ceremonies grounded in the Shipibo tradition, and led by resident Shipibo healers. Located on the southern tip of the Nicoya peninsula, just 90 minutes away from the beach town of Santa Teresa, Soltara offers seclusion from the hustle and…

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Is My Gringo Ayahuasca Shaman / Ceremony Facilitator Any Good?

The globalization of ayahuasca has produced a wave of unqualified gringo shamans serving an ever-growing audience of neophytes who have little to no perspective of what a “good ayahuasca shaman” or what a “good ayahuasca ceremony” is. In a manner not so different from the West’s co-opting of the ancient Indian discipline of yoga and…

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