Indigenous Culture

Indigenous peoples are any ethnic group of peoples who are considered to fall under one of the internationally recognized definitions of indigenous peoples, such as “those ethnic groups that were indigenous to a territory prior to being incorporated into a national state, and who are politically and culturally separate from the majority ethnic identity of the state that they are a part of.” Some people refer to the indigenous as ‘first nation peoples,’ or ‘original peoples.’ They were the first to walk on any given earthly land before it was colonized by other nations/peoples.

Indigenous peoples all have their own unique culture that they live by, with inherent morals, principles, beliefs, customs, traditions, philosophies and practices. For the most part, what unites indigenous cultures in commonality is that they are earth-centered and animistic – believing that everything in existence holds consciousness. Some of these cultures feature practices surrounding the use of psychotropic plants, believing that such practices are a way of gaining direct access to this animistic consciousness that is considered to be wise and divine. It is these practices that brought a global upsurge in interest in the cultures of the world’s indigenous peoples.

Ayahuasca & the Huni Kuin Cultural Revival


An indigenous cultural renaissance is taking place in parts of Brazil, and ayahuasca is at the center of this sovereignty movement. Translating to “True People,” the Huni Kuin make up the largest indigenous nation in the state of Acre in Brazil. At least 35% of their population is distributed throughout 12 lands in Acre, spread…

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Explore the Intersection of Psychedelics & Shamanism at The Plant Spirit Summit

Plant Spirit Summit Landscape

A new paradigm of healing is emerging at the intersection of psychedelic medicine and ancestral shamanic healing… Psychedelic medicine has been pushed to the forefront as the new frontier in psychotherapy, a new solution to the global mental health crisis. Psychotherapists might say that its cause is widespread trauma, the outcome of an increasingly unequal…

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Ayahuasca vs Yage vs Daime – What’s the Difference?

Ayahuasca, Yagé, Daime – three different names for a powerfully visionary tea consumed primarily in the northwestern region of the Amazon Basin, where Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, and Brazil come together. But are they three different names for the same plant medicine recipe? Or are they different? If so, how? Depending on who you ask, answers tend…

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