Indigenous Culture
Indigenous peoples are any ethnic group of peoples who are considered to fall under one of the internationally recognized definitions of indigenous peoples, such as “those ethnic groups that were indigenous to a territory prior to being incorporated into a national state, and who are politically and culturally separate from the majority ethnic identity of the state that they are a part of.” Some people refer to the indigenous as ‘first nation peoples,’ or ‘original peoples.’ They were the first to walk on any given earthly land before it was colonized by other nations/peoples.
Indigenous peoples all have their own unique culture that they live by, with inherent morals, principles, beliefs, customs, traditions, philosophies and practices. For the most part, what unites indigenous cultures in commonality is that they are earth-centered and animistic – believing that everything in existence holds consciousness. Some of these cultures feature practices surrounding the use of psychotropic plants, believing that such practices are a way of gaining direct access to this animistic consciousness that is considered to be wise and divine. It is these practices that brought a global upsurge in interest in the cultures of the world’s indigenous peoples.
Huichol People – An Ancient Unbroken Lineage of Healers
The Huichol People are rare when it comes to North American shamanic traditions. Unlike most indigenous populations of this region, which have undergone some degree of death, transformation or fragmentation post-Columbus, the Huichol maintain an unbroken lineage which extends back to the earliest roots of their tribal heritage. The Huichol People refer to themselves as…
Read MoreUmbandaime – Ayahuasca Meets Afro-Brazilian Mediumship
The world of shamanism is full of interesting offshoots and fascinating blends of religion, culture, plant medicines, and practices. Unique amalgamations of historical lineages, psychoactive plants, and direct spiritual experience are constantly emerging from the fertile field of practice and life-way that is shamanism. Umbandaime is one of those special cultural syntheses that has resulted…
Read MoreIndigenous Tribes Promote Sustainable Solutions
Indigenous People are humanity’s connection to the land and to its’ history. Whether it is through an understanding of plant-medicine, ceremony, or stewarding the land, we all have a lot to learn from tribal communities. Long before Bill Mollison coined the term Permaculture, natives were living and working in harmony with the natural elements in…
Read MoreGet an Extreme Tribal Makeover at the Yawanawá Festival
Tribal festivals are a great way to immerse yourself in the indigenous culture of the Amazon Basin. Tribes like the Yawanawá, Huni Kui and the Kuntanawa in the state of Acre, Brazil, like to host festivals and welcome outside visitors. Festivals like these are the fantastic events to attend because you get to see and participate
Read MoreYawanawá – The People of the Wild Boar
The Yawanawá is a group belonging to the Pano linguistic family which, nowadays, occupies the Gregório River Indigenous Land. Its community is, in fact, a conjunction of people that includes members from other groups: Shawãdawa (Arara), Iskunawa, Rununawa, Sainawa, and Katukina. This configuration is the result of a dynamic common to many Pano
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