Noku Mana Medicine Song Lyrics & Music Video by Curawaka

It’s been truly a delight to bear witness to the expansion of Huni Kuin culture around the world, through the ever weaving nomadic tendrils of the global medicine tribe… through those of us from the Global North who have the good fortune of visiting their villages in Acre, Brazil, through the pajes that have increasingly been invited to share their medicine ceremonies around the world.

On a personal level, these medicine songs have the power to carry us through our lives, accompanying us as spiritual allies, changing and evolving as we do. From hearing these words as a communal chant reverberating around me, in canon, the voices of men, women and children invoking the spirits of Nature each in their own rhythm and timbre, as I sat in their kupixawa, in complete darkness, in an ayahuasca ceremony, to dancing to this beautifully adapted musical version performed by Curawaka, while dancing to the 5 elements on a ridge overlooking Es Vedra, on Ibiza island, in Spain, in a cacao ceremony, Noku Mana has been a gift that has followed me through life.

Chasing down the pajes to write down the lyrics of the song, let alone, provide the meaning, has been, for many of us, its own ongoing quest. Over time, written on scraps of paper, in notebooks, confirmed by others in the tribe, in the global community, shared in Soundcloud or YouTube comments, the lyrics eventually do make their way out into the world, sharing the healing of the forest with the entire planet.

Knowing how difficult it can be to learn the magical songs we hear in an expanded state of consciousness in plant medicine ceremony, here are the lyrics to Noku Mana in both Hatxa Kui, translated into English, for you to sing along.

If you prefer to listen to music on YouTube, here is the song recording as a video that you can add to your YouTube music playlists.

‘Noku Mana’ Lyrics in Hatxa Kui (the Language of the Huni Kuin People)

Noku mana i bubu bubutã, eskawatã kayawai ki ki (x2)
Eskawatã kaya, kayawai kayawai, kayawai ki ki (x2)
Noku niwe i bubu bubutã, eskawatã kayawai ki ki (x2)
Eskawatã kaya, kayawai kayawai, kayawai ki ki (x2)

Noku ni i bubu bubutã, eskawatã kayawai ki ki (x2)
Eskawatã kaya, kayawai kayawai, kayawai ki ki (x2)

Noku bixi i bubu bubutã, eskawatã kayawai ki ki (x2)
Eskawatã kaya, kayawai kayawai, kayawai ki ki (x2)

Noku bari i bubu bubutã, eskawatã kayawai ki ki (x2)
Eskawatã kaya, kayawai kayawai, kayawai ki ki (x2)

Noku xinã i bubu bubutã, eskawatã kayawai ki ki (x2)
Eskawatã kaya, kayawai kayawai, kayawai ki ki (x2)

Noku rene i bubu bubutã, eskawatã kayawai ki ki (x2)
Eskawatã kaya, kayawai kayawai, kayawai ki ki (x2)

Noku ushe i bubu bubutã, eskawatã kayawai ki ki (x2)
Eskawatã kaya, kayawai kayawai, kayawai ki ki (x2)

Noku kene i bubu bubutã, eskawatã kayawai ki ki (x2)
Eskawatã kaya, kayawai kayawai, kayawai ki ki (x2)

Haux haux

‘Noku Mana’ Medicine Song Lyrics in English

We call/summon the spirit of the Earth – as we are the Earth, it’s here and healing, healing all of us now
We call the spirit of the wind – as we are the wind, it’s here and healing, healing all of us now

We call the spirit of the forest – as we are the forest, it’s here and healing, healing all of us now

We call the spirit of the stars – as we are the stars, it’s here and healing, healing all of us now

We call the spirit of the sun – as we are the sun, it’s here and healing, healing all of us now

We call the spirit of consciousness – as we are consciousness, it’s here and healing, healing all of us now

We call the spirit of the water – as we are the water, it’s here and healing, healing all of us now

We call the spirit of the moon – as we are the moon, it’s here and healing, healing all of us now

We call the spirit of sacred geometry – as we are sacred geometry, it’s here and healing, healing all of us now

Haux, haux

Kene of the Huni Kuin

“Kene” is the sacred geometry that you find in Huni Kuin art; art was taught to the Huni Kuin by the anaconda, according to their origin stories. Kene is an art form that follows strict rules of pattern, style, and execution. They are geometric representations of the natural world such as the patterns of an anaonconda, the eye of a bird, the spines of a plant, the spots of a jaguar. Some represent other concepts, such as friendship. Kene designs can be found in body painting, weaving, basketry, as well as in pottery decoration. Kene are also a visionary transmission from nixi pãe (ayahuasca), and considered to be sacred, each motif carries power in what it represents.

Where to Buy Noku Mana

Don’t forget to show your support to Curawaka. Purchase Noku Mana by clicking on the “buy” button on the embed below.

About Curawaka

Curawaka is the musical project of Anna Bariyani (vocals, guitar, rattles), Tavo Vasquez (charango, quena, sikuri), Alberto Arroyo (guitar, bass) and Bola Cosmic (percussion, bells and chimes).

They use sounds of Scandinavian mythological folklore with elements of indigenous traditions; icaros and plant healing work; mantras and sacred devotional songs from various spiritual traditions; shamanic roots and cosmic reggae; universal culture and world musical landscapes, sound frequency techniques, voice overtones and vibrational sound healing.

Curawaka is a musical platform and a sonic cosmic channel seeking to invoke a transcendental journey through layers of reality, states of consciousness and mystical dimensions in order to summon sacred alliances and awaken ancient memory. In a state of remembrance we can unite with the sacred knowledge of the universe and celebrate the original purpose of our existence.

They sing to connect with the cosmic current and the ever unfolding Great Mystery and allow it to once again flow freely through our bodies, minds, hearts and spirits. We sing with the hope of sharing our humble contribution to the coming of the new dawn.

Where to Find Curawaka

Curawaka’s Website
Curawaka on Spotify
Curawaka on Facebook
Curawaka on Bandcamp
Curawaka on Soundcloud

Photo credit: Zezinho Yube'

About Lorna Liana

Lorna Liana is a new media strategist and lifestyle business coach to visionary entrepreneurs. She travels the world while running her business as a digital nomad. Lorna's boutique agency provides “done for you” web design, development and online marketing services for social ventures, sustainable brands, transformational coaches and new paradigm thought leaders. She is also a personal development junkie, and 20 year practitioner of shamanism, with extensive training in Tibetan Bon Shamanism and the ayahuasca traditions of the Amazon Basin. A self-professed ayahuasca snob and perennial ayahuasca tourist, Lorna has been drinking ayahuasca since 2004. She's been in approximately 150 ayahuasca ceremonies (from terrible to fantastic), and tasted wide variety of ayahuasca brews (from awful to exquisite). Her ayahuasca experience spans 30+ different shamans and facilitators, 7 indigenous tribes, several Brazilian churches, and a host of neo-shamanic circles, in Peru, Ecuador, Brazil, Europe, the US, and Asia. Through this widely-varied background, she hopes to shed some perspective on the globalization of ayahuasca.


  1.' Nina on April 2, 2020 at 2:22 am

    Thank you Lorna – I have been singing this song out loud for months – following my last seating and it’s a delight knowing more about who songs it, it’s origins and translation 💕✨ aho!

    •' Tisha Iness on January 11, 2021 at 9:29 pm

      Thanks I love it and you are awesome for translating ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 I think the world needs to hear this

  2.' Vincent on July 22, 2021 at 2:45 am

    Thank you 🙂 Have been dancing to this with our baby daughter for months after first hearing it in ceremony. So beautiful to know the meaning x

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