Cannabis In Athletics: An Untapped Solution To Common Sports Problems

Sports. Competition. These are things that are programmed into us. The world is built upon hierarchies and this is evident in how we not only perceive star athletes, but also in how we treat them. They are held in high regard in society and they are even tapped in order to influence how consumers make purchasing decisions.
But the limelight has its price, even for star athletes. The human body, while able to do amazing things, still has its limits. Even machines, when forced to function at their maximum limits, will eventually break down. This is even truer for the human body.
And it’s because of this that star athletes need the services and expertise of sports-specialized doctors, trainers, and nutritionists in order to ensure that even as these special men and women train and compete harder than the average person, they are able to recover and rejuvenate after such a tedious training regimen.
Apart from this, a significant effort is also allocated to research with the purpose of discovering newer and more effective ways to help these athletes recover from the stresses introduced to their bodies during training.
The funny thing is that there are many things that are already apparent, yet remain untapped. One of those things is Cannabis and how it’s able to actually help athletes recover. Here’s how:
Improved Sleep
Sleep is an important aspect of recovery. It is the period where the body begins to recover at a cellular level, because all functions — except those necessary to keep a person alive — take a break.
Cannabis has been legalized in several states for medical use and one of those legal uses is as a sleep aid. A good night’s sleep is especially vital the night before a competition. Even bodybuilders put an emphasis on getting sufficient rest, as this also facilitates muscle growth.
A Solution to Training Monotony
One aspect of training that can make it incredibly unappealing is its monotony. The prospect of doing the same thing over and over on a daily basis can discourage everyone but the most disciplined of athletes. Another aspect is that you’re bound to get muscle soreness after. This is especially true for runners.
Fun fact, there’s this thing called a “runner’s high” which is similar to the feeling of euphoria that we experience after a good exercise session. This high is caused by naturally-produced endocannabinoids. A low-dose cannabis gummy can trigger that feeling and this can be quite useful when you’re feeling lazy after a few miles of running. Not only will you run with renewed zeal, you’re also going to finish your session quicker, which means that you’re going to have more time for recovery.
However, it’s important to note that where you get your supplies is of paramount importance. The product delivered by bud San Fran is the gold standard, whether you’re an athlete or you’re someone who uses marijuana for medicinal purposes.
It Has Pain-Relieving Properties
Cramps are a common problem that athletes experience during training. When the muscles are stressed enough to cause them to contract uncontrollably, that’s when you have a cramp and these are quite painful. Cannabis has been proven to be an effective muscle relaxant, which can make cramps a thing of the past.
An Untapped Solution
Cannabis has many properties that make it such an effective solution for the most common problems that athletes face. It is readily available, completely natural, and has great pain-relieving properties. While it’s unknown if and when marijuana will be completely accepted in the athletic world, what is known is that it would be such a waste not to utilize it.