
Shamanism is any practice where a person journeys into an unseen world, or spirit world, and returns with unique knowledge. Shamans also sometimes use their powers to influence and manipulate the seen world, such as luring prey into traps, or inflicting harm upon their distant enemies.

Most often in psychedelic communities, shamans will use the transformative powers of psychedelic plant medicines to venture into the unseen spirit world and return with healing magic, or knowledge of the future.

Shamanism is a highly diverse practice and the specifics will vary depending on the culture in which it occurs. It often goes hand-in-hand with animistic belief systems, where every part of our world has an inner life or spirit, and shamans are capable of venturing into the hidden world of interrelationships between these beings.

Hapé Medicine – the Sacred Amazonian Snuff You Blow Up Your Nose

Rapé – pronounced ha-PAY – is a preparation of powdered medicinal herbs, often with a tobacco base – that is taken through the nose. This practice of consuming powdered plant medicines through the nose is pre-Columbian and was first observed among the Brazilian indigenous tribes. In Europe, herbal snuff was introduced by the doctor and botanic Francisco Hernández

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