‘Sagrada Familia’ Medicine Song Lyrics & Music Video by Curawaka

Sagrada Familia is one of my top favorite medicine songs written by Pablo Comesana, a member of Mantric Mambo, the official temple band of Templo Mãe d’Agua, in Alto Paraíso, Brazil. I lament the fact that there is no official Mantric Mambo album recording of this epic song, and that the only audio I have of this song are live recordings from Templo Mãe d’Agua ayahuasca ceremonies, complete with people vomiting in the background. I celebrate that Curawaka has done a cover of this song in their album “Call of the Wind”.
For those of you who revel in fulfilling the Condor Eagle prophesy, with all your global medicine journeys, this song is your anthem!
Here’s a video of Curawaka’s lead singer Bariyani’s singing a solo rendition of Sagrada Familia. You can also find the Spanish lyrics below as well as the English translation to the song.
“Sagrada Familia” Letras en Español
Águila del norte, vigilante vuelo
Trae la medicina, sagrada familia
Tambor milagrero, retumba en los montes
Junta los hermanos, cura corazones
Cóndor de los andes, señor de los cielos
Dice a las estrellas, que curen su pueblo
Protege a los niños, tráeles bendiciones
Pinta los colores, canta su canciones
Águila y cóndor, sol, luna y estrellas
Sierra selva y mar, corazón de fuego
Mira que belleza, misterio de la vida
Un sin fin de flores, muestran sus colores
Águila del norte, vigilante vuelo
Trae la medicina, sagrada familia
Tambor milagrero, retumba en los montes
Junta los hermanos, cura corazones
Cóndor de los andes, señor de los cielos
Dice a las estrellas, que curen su pueblo
Protege a los niños, tráeles bendiciones
Pinta los colores, canta su canciones
Águila y cóndor, sol, luna y estrellas
Sierra selva y mar, corazón de fuego
Mira que belleza, misterio de la vida
Un sin fin de flores, muestran sus colores
“Sagrada Familia” Lyrics in English
Northern Eagle, vigilant flight
Bring medicine, holy family
Miraculous drum, rumbles in the mountains
Join the brothers, cure hearts
Condor of the Andes, Lord of the heavens
He tells the stars, to heal his people
Protect the children, bring them blessings
Paint the colors, sing your songs
Eagle and condor, sun, moon and stars
Sierra jungle and sea, heart of fire
See that beauty, mystery of life
Endless flowers show their colors
Northern Eagle, vigilant flight
Bring medicine, holy family
Miraculous drum, rumbles in the mountains
Join the brothers, cure hearts
Condor of the Andes, Lord of the heavens
He tells the stars, to heal his people
Protect the children, bring them blessings
Paint the colors, sing your songs
Eagle and condor, sun, moon and stars
Sierra jungle and sea, heart of fire
See that beauty, mystery of life
Endless flowers show their colors
Where to Buy Sagrada Familia
If you loved Sagrada Familia, you can easily purchase it from Bandcamp. Click on the “buy” button on the embed below.
About Curawaka
Curawaka is the musical project of Anna Bariyani (vocals, guitar, rattles), Tavo Vasquez (charango, quena, sikuri), Alberto Arroyo (guitar, bass) and Bola Cosmic (percussion, bells and chimes).
They use sounds of Scandinavian mythological folklore with elements of indigenous traditions; icaros and plant healing work; mantras and sacred devotional songs from various spiritual traditions; shamanic roots and cosmic reggae; universal culture and world musical landscapes, sound frequency techniques, voice overtones and vibrational sound healing.
Curawaka is a musical platform and a sonic cosmic channel seeking to invoke a transcendental journey through layers of reality, states of consciousness and mystical dimensions in order to summon sacred alliances and awaken ancient memory. In a state of remembrance we can unite with the sacred knowledge of the universe and celebrate the original purpose of our existence.
They sing to connect with the cosmic current and the ever unfolding Great Mystery and allow it to once again flow freely through our bodies, minds, hearts and spirits. We sing with the hope of sharing our humble contribution to the coming of the new dawn.
Where to Find Curawaka
Curawaka’s Website
Curawaka on Spotify
Curawaka on Facebook
Curawaka on Bandcamp
Curawaka on Soundcloud
thank you for sharing, this makes since and answers alot of questions I have had.