Four Types of Kuripe (Self-Applicator) For Your Personal Hapé Medicine Use

A woman's hand holding up a wooden kuripe with crystal decoration

As the popularity of hapé medicine grows beyond the confines of traditional Amazonian settings, many people are seeking a way to sit with the medicine either on their own or without somebody else present who can administer it.

In order to “pass” hapé medicine (also known as rapé, rapeh, hapeh to yourself, you’ll need to get yourself a kuripe (self-applicator). This is a small V-shaped blowpipe that’s used to self-administer shamanic snuff. Essentially, you put one end in your mouth and the other in your nostril, allowing you to blow the hapé medicine directly up your own nose.

Sitting with hapé on your own can be a very powerful experience, providing a sense of grounding and centering. It allows you to release negative energies, connect to the present moment, and gain a sense of mental clarity. With the help of a kuripe and the right setting (we recommend doing it out in nature or in the peacefulness of your own home), you can tap into the power of this sacred Amazonian medicine.

But first – how can you know which kuripe is right for you? We’ve put together this handy guide of the different types of kuripe to help you decide.

Bamboo Kuripes

Kuripes made from bamboo are lightweight and usually on the cheaper end of the spectrum – perfect for someone who is just starting out. However, it should be noted that bamboo blowpipes are a little trickier to clean than other varieties, and can get moldy when kept in humid environments.

This kuripe was made by the Kutanawa tribe using bamboo and resin and features a traditional design.

Bamboo kuripe with traditional orange and black design in the shape of a bird

Buy this bamboo Kutanawa kuripe here

Hardwood Kuripes

Hardwood kuripes are also a classic but elegant option for anyone who wants to administer hapé to themselves.

This simple and smooth mahogany kuripe from Waking Herbs is made in the Ecuadorian Andes by a local craftsman. This particular species of wood is indigenous to the Americas and has a straight-grained look.

Simple mahogany kuripe with string tied around the middle

Buy this mahogany kuripe here

For a unique wooden kuripe, check out this one made of palo santo, a wood known for its healing and energizing properties. This smooth and simple kuripe is perfect for any hapé ritual which aims to cleanse negative energies.

Simple kuripe design made out of palo santo wood

Buy this palo santo kuripe here

If you’re seeking a beautiful yet durable and effective kuripe for personal use, this coconut wood kuripe may be the one for you. Promising strong airflow (poor airflow is a common issue in many kuripes), the sleek design provides a clean experience with little to no snuff left in the pipe.

Simple kuripe made out of dark coconut wood

Buy this coconut wood kuripe here

Stone Kuripes

Once you start to feel more experienced with self-administering hapé, you might consider investing in a stone kuripe. This is because stone kuripes usually take a little while to get used to and to be able to master the snuff trajectory.

That being said, stone kuripes are easier to clean and maintain than those made from wood, which absorb moisture and can get moldy and mildew if kept in humid places or wet while cleaning.

Waking Herbs also offers exquisite stone kuripes, made from serpentine or marble (pictured). These kuripes are custom-made by a Quechuan artist from the Andes and come in two designs: jaguar or condor (pictured).

Serpentine is known to enhance spiritual exploration, correct imbalances, and help direct healing energy to where it’s needed. Reviewers also claimed that the stone is cooling to the nose and brings an energy of its own to the experience.

White marble kuripe in the shape of a condor

Buy marble and serpentine kuripes here

Metal Kuripes

Metal kuripes are another great long-lasting and durable option for hapé users and are easy to wash and disinfect. Many metal kuripes are made with copper, like this beautifully decorated one from Waking Herbs. This kuripe is handmade in Brazil and is available in multiple colors, and decorated with intricate designs, colored threading, and acai beading.

Copper kuripe with a red string and bead design

Buy this copper kuripe here

If you want to browse other types of kuripes, take a look at the full selections on Waking Herbs, Sacred Snuff, and Chakra Openings.

Once you’ve chosen your kuripe, you now need to practice giving yourself hapé.

For detailed, step-by-step instructions on how to administer shamanic stuff ceremonially, check out this Master Class with Brazilian medicine priestess Aluna Lua:

Learn to Serve Hapé Like an Amazonian

Deepen your alliance with the Tobacco Master Plant & enhance your shamanic faciliation skills. Sign up and:

  • Be initiated into Divine Father Tobacco Wisdom
  • Receive the Principles of Impeccable Tobacco Guardianship & serve hapé with the highest healing energy
  • Learn Hapé administration & self-application techniques  to support a range of shamanic intentions
  • Get an introduction to Huni Kuin traditions & vocabulary

And for more information on what hapé is and practices around its use, check out these resources:

We hope you found this blog useful and if you decide to try any of the kuripes we mentioned, let us know in the comments below! Which one did you choose? How was the experience?

About Mags Tanev

Mags Tanev is a freelance writer and editor with a keen interest in sacred medicines, indigenous plant wisdom, and psychedelic science. She is based in Medellín, Colombia. You can find more of her work here:

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