20 Amazing CBD Oil Benefits Backed by Science

If you want to take back your health, well-being, and energy by using a quick-acting, natural, plant-based remedy with almost zero side effects, all with the minimum possible investment, you NEED to look into these amazingly therapeutic CBD oil benefits.
CBD oil and various other CBD products are taking the world of alternative healing by storm. They have gained massive popularity over the last few years, especially after the passing of the 2018 Farm Bill, which allowed industrial-scale growing of hemp and put a halt to the public stigmatization of this plant.
CBD 101
CBD oil benefits the health in numerous ways, and although it still isn’t an FDA approved therapeutic substance, anecdotal reports and, most importantly, scientific evidence are mounting in support of CBD’s therapeutic effects.
However, before we dig into them, let’s briefly cover some basic facts about CBD oil.
Unlike its cannabinoid relative THC, CBD is not a psychoactive molecule. This means that you won’t get “high” from consuming CBD oil, edibles, or topical products like when smoking marijuana or consuming THC oil. In fact, CBD oil contains many of the healthy active ingredients which put cannabis in the medicinal plant category.
CBD oil is genuinely good for healing and improving numerous health conditions – not because it’s some sort of “miracle” but because of its biochemical ingredients and their action on the system of receptors inside our bodies.
So, how does CBD work? The answer is complicated, but here’s the simple version: on many fronts.
Firstly, the main effect of CBD is that it stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system (the part responsible for promoting rest, healing, rejuvenating and regenerating) and inhibits the sympathetic nervous system (which is responsible for eliciting responses to stress and triggering the fight-or-flight mechanism).
CBD is an agonist the 5-HT1A serotonin receptor, thought to be responsible for catalyzing states like anxiety and happiness, and general mood regulation. It also indirectly interacts with the endocannabinoid system, one of the key endogenous systems regulating pain sensation. Through this action, its effects extend into suppressing pain and inflammatory processes. Finally, CBD has been shown to activate the TRPV2 receptor, which is thought to account in part for its antitumor effects.
These mechanisms of action are understood as the basis for the calming and healing effects CBD oil and other products are garnering all the reputation for. However, it’s important to again note that, although it’s become legal and popular, CBD has not received FDA approval for use as a medical substance in any other case than for epilepsy. This means that the safety, purity, and concentration of the products on the market are as of now still unregulated, and the dosages and treatment regimes for specific illnesses are unspecified. Although CBD has rare and mild side effects, we still urge caution in using a substance that has not received federal approval.
That said, let’s look into some of the most prominent therapeutic CBD oil benefits which are conclusively backed by scientific studies or are in the process of preliminary clinical research.
CBD Oil Benefits
What exactly can CBD oil be used for? Below are twenty of its most amazing therapeutic and medicinal applications, in no specific order:
#1 – Reducing Nausea & Vomiting
CBD oil is great for reducing nausea and vomiting, which can occur as symptoms of most gastrointestinal disorders, as well as other, more serious systemic diseases. Acute episodes of nausea can be in and of themselves healing for the body because they are natural mechanisms of expelling toxins. However, chronic nausea, as a consequence of a deep underlying condition can make life entirely miserable and complicate the illness even more by creating troubling psychological states.
A 2011 study found that both CBD and THC have significant anti-emetic properties. THC does it by means of its action on the CB1 and CB2 endocannabinoid receptors, while CBD suppresses nausea via indirect activation of the 5-HT1A serotonin receptor. The study found that CBD oil can be beneficial in helping alleviate the side effects of treating malignant tumors. By lowering the rate of occurrence of nausea and vomiting after invasive treatments like chemotherapy or radiotherapy, it can indirectly help cancer patients heal quicker.
#2 – Treating Cancer and Tumors
Using CBD oil for cancer is perhaps the most interesting and potentially valuable application of this cannabinoid. There have been numerous studies looking into the anti-tumor properties of CBD, and more are underway as the compound genuinely seems to be of help even where conventional treatments don’t suffice.
Aside from the indirect CBD benefits for cancer, which include pain relief and suppression of anxiety and nausea, it appears to also have complex biochemical interactions with the signaling pathways vital for controlling cell proliferation and survival.
This 2018 research review stated that “many in vitro and in vivo experiments have shown that cannabinoids inhibit proliferation of cancer cells, stimulate autophagy and apoptosis, and have also a potential to inhibit angiogenesis and metastasis.” Put simply, cannabinoids actually seem to make cancer cells self-destroy, to a certain extent and in certain ranges, of course. However, due to THC’s innate psychoactivity, its potential for medical research and application is limited.
The current theory assumes that the anti-cancer properties of CBD are a result of its interactions with the transient receptor potential channel subfamily V member 1 (TRPV1), orphan G‐protein coupled receptor (GPR55), peroxisome proliferator‐activated receptors (PPARs), or, likely, a combination of these.
In Table 1 of this study review, we can see the many preclinical assessments of CBD benefits on various kinds of cancer, including glioma, breast cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, skin tumors, and colon cancer.
We are certainly not saying that CBD oil cures cancer. Much more clinical research is needed, but preliminary studies in humans and extensive research done on animals and in vitro show promising results. Aside from fighting cancer, it can also boost the body’s immune system and help relieve stressful and miserable side effects, contributing to life quality and additionally to the capacities of the body to fight off tumors.
Read our full article on using CBD oil for cancer symptoms here
#3 – Quitting Smoking and Other Addictions
There’s no denying that smoking is a dangerous habit. It can cause many different kinds of cancer, deal irreversible lung damage, destroy the cardiovascular system, and induce many other side effects with serious psychological and physical consequences.
CBD oil has been shown in many studies to be effective in interrupting various kinds of addiction. Smoking, as one of the deadliest legal dependencies, is of special interest, especially with the rise in use of e-cigarettes among the youth, as experts claim that vaping can indicate proneness to taking on smoking later on.
A study conducted by the Society of Cannabis Clinicians has shown that it’s possible to use CBD oil to quit smoking cigarettes safely and effectively.
In the study, 24 smokers were recruited and split into two groups; one group received inhalers containing CBD oil and the other one received inhalers containing a placebo. Both groups were told to use the inhalers whenever they felt the urge to smoke for a period of 7 days. The study found that while the placebo group showed no difference in their smoking habits, the group which was using CBD oil reduced the number of cigarettes consumed by 40% on average.
Another study found that even a single overnight dose of CBD can reduce the salience and pleasantness of cigarette cues (pictures of tobacco products) in smokers the following morning.

Our recommended CBD oil for quitting smoking comes from Kats Botanicals. Click here to shop
Transitioning from smoking cigarettes to smoking CBD joints or vaping CBD oil is a step in the right direction, but still preserves the oral fixation, and induces lung damage, albeit less than combustible tobacco. The most optimal way to take CBD for quitting smoking may be sublingually or in the form of edibles.
Read our full article on using CBD to quit smoking here
#4 – Treating Acne and Other Skin Disorders
Numerous studies have shown unequivocally that the application of CBD (as well as CBD-free hemp oil) is good for the skin. CBD is an effective anti-inflammatory agent which alleviates various skin disorders such as psoriasis, dermatitis, scleroderma, and dermatomyositis, as well as the resulting epidermal scarring.
The endocannabinoid system appears to be closely involved with the process of maintaining the homeostasis of skin appendages and cutaneous cells’ metabolisms. CBD interacts with this system indirectly, contributing to inflammation suppression and skin cell regeneration.
If you are suffering from acne, topical application of CBD creams and ointments can almost certainly help, as one study has shown.

Our recommended topical CBD product is the SolCBD Hemp Infused Balm. Click here to shop
#5 – Reversing Type-2 Diabetes and Preventing Type-1 Diabetes
Diabetes is a condition caused by the malfunction of insulin, a pancreatic hormone responsible for regulating how much sugar moves from the blood into the cells. As a result of either not having enough insulin (type-1 diabetes), or it being ignored by the body (type-2 diabetes), we end up with an increased blood sugar level.
Type-1 diabetes is genetic, normally with a juvenile onset, and it cannot be reversed once it’s active, as the insulin deficiency can only be compensated with insulin injections. Type-2 diabetes is developed throughout life by regular spikes and crashes in blood glucose levels caused by nutrition high in simple sugars and overeating, which train the body to ignore the insulin it has. This condition is reversible with significant lifestyle and dietary changes, which can influence how the body recognizes the available insulin. Supplementing these changes with CBD oil for diabetes can lead to additional improval, as this cannabinoid can slightly help optimize the body’s insulin production.
Finally, type-2 diabetes can also eventually lead to type-1 diabetes due to the damage the changing blood sugar does to the pancreas. CBD may be able to help in delaying this process.
In the US, according to 2018 statistics, roughly 1 in every 3 people have diabetes or pre-diabetes; these statistics are getting significantly worse by the year. Type-2 diabetes is directly linked with obesity and lack of exercise.
The indirect and direct mechanisms of action of CBD for diabetes regulation are manifold.
Firstly, the administration of CBD has been shown to lower appetite and help reduce body weight. Indirectly, this can create one critical pathway toward reducing the prevalence of obesity and, in turn, diabetes.
The endocannabinoid system has been associated with the functioning of the β-cells in the pancreas, which are responsible for secreting insulin and regulating blood glucose levels. This system is also intricately connected with the processes of cell oxidation and inflammation, and it contributes to overall immunity with its metabolic effects and functions. Studies have shown that the stress coming from the oxidation of our cells and their consequent inflammation play critical roles in the development of diabetes and its complications (such as diabetic cardiovascular dysfunction, nephropathy, retinopathy, and neuropathy).
CBD, as well as Δ9-tetrahydrocannabivarin (another cannabinoid in the cannabis plant) can potentially optimize insulin production via their indirect effects on the endocannabinoid system. They have potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, meaning that they protect the β-cells from damage dealt by obesity. In mice, CBD has been found to delay the development of type-1 diabetes in this way, reducing leukocyte activation (the main marker of pancreatic inflammation) and increasing functional capillary density. CBD was also found to protect against vascular damage caused by high glucose levels in the bloodstream.
To summarize, study results indicate that CBD can help by optimizing insulin secretion and protecting blood vessels from glucose damage, as well as delaying the effects of pancreatic damage to prevent type-1 diabetes from developing. However, once again, using CBD for diabetes is certainly not enough; strict dietary and lifestyle changes are the crucial part of reversing type-2 diabetes.
Read our full article on CBD’s potential benefits against diabetes here
#6 – Antioxidant Qualities that Protect Against Neurodegenerative Diseases such as Parkinson’s Disease and Alzheimer’s disease
The main culprit for aging and disease formation in general are the by-products of the oxidation of our cells. The brain is especially vulnerable to oxidation; most neurodegenerative diseases can be traced back to this process.
CBD and THC are potent neuroprotective antioxidants; much like other nutritional supplements, they can help reverse the aging process and keep our cells healthy and vibrant. The study conducted on mice found that CBD especially performed better than other antioxidants in protecting the brain against hydroperoxide-induced oxidative damage and glutamate neurotoxicity.
Numerous studies have reported that using CBD may help preserve neurological function and protect from brain damage after a stroke, as well as manage the symptoms of a variety of neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and others.
Even the symptoms of highly aggressive and potentially rapidly fatal neurodegenerative disorders such as Prion diseases (the most well known of which are Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy, commonly referred to as Mad Cow disease) may be countered by CBD’s neuroprotective qualities; however, there have been no studies conducted on CBD oil benefits for these specific disorders.
#7 – Reducing Epileptic Seizure Frequency
The only FDA approved medical CBD use is for treating epilepsy. The strawberry-flavored, sesame oil–based oral solution Epidiolex has been shown to significantly reduce frequency of seizures in three randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials involving 516 patients with either Lennox-Gastaut syndrome or Dravet syndrome. There is little doubt that it may be effective with seizures stemming from other kinds of medical disorders, too.
If you choose to believe just one of the CBD benefits from this article, let it be this one. Using CBD for epilepsy seizure relief is the only properly scientifically validated and standardized application of CBD. Here is a useful FAQ about Epidiolex.
Read our full article on the studies behind the approval of Epidiolex here
#8 – Autism Treatment
Although there hasn’t been much scientific research into the benefits of CBD for autism, the body of anecdotal reports of its positive effects is growing, and some of the stories available online are especially touching. Treatment-resistant epilepsy patients have comorbid autism in an estimated 15-35% of the cases, and the comorbidity is common for one of the epilepsy syndromes that CBD has been proven to help, the Dravet syndrome.
A recent study on a small group of patients with Autism Spectrum Disorder symptoms showed some promising results. The study states that “After 6–9 months of treatment, most patients, including epileptic and non-epileptic, showed some level of improvement in more than one of the eight symptom categories evaluated […] his was especially true for the 10 non-epileptic patients, nine of which presented improvement equal to or above 30% in at least one of the eight categories, six presented improvement of 30% or more in at least two categories and four presented improvement equal to or above 30% in at least four symptom categories. Ten out of the 15 patients were using other medicines, and nine of these were able to keep the improvements even after reducing or withdrawing other medications.”

Our recommended brand of CBD gummies for autism in children is CBDfx. Click here to shop
Still, the success of CBD for autism symptom relief is nowhere near as validated as it needs to be, and large-scale clinical research is strongly needed. As a recent review cautions, “The increasing popularity of the use of CBD for children with ASD as well as the history of failed examples of unproven products suggests a need to provide perspective and guidance on this topic.”
Read our full article on using CBD for autism management here
#9 – Pain Reduction
Via its indirect interaction with the endocannabinoid system, which has modulatory actions at all stages of pain processing, CBD is able to create analgesic (pain relief) and anti-inflammatory effects. A recently published review of studies of these effects conducted between 1975 and 2018 can attest to the enormous potential of the use of CBD creams and CBD oil for pain. Another review focuses on the CBD oil benefits as well as those of other cannabinoids such as THC for difficult to treat pain in chronic conditions such as multiple sclerosis and cancer.

Nanocraft CBD broad spectrum tinctures come highly recommended as pain relievers. Click here to shop
You can reduce the pain in your body either by vaporizing CBD oil, using CBD tinctures sublingually, consuming CBD edibles such as gummies, or applying CBD products topically on the painful spots. The way of intake and the dosage taken will determine the onset and duration of the effects.
Read our full article on using hemp oil and CBD oil for pain here
#10 – Anxiety Relief
Unlike the main cannabinoid in marijuana, THC, CBD does not cause paranoia or anxiety; it actually diminishes it. In fact, research has shown that, when taken together, either as cannabis or in the Sativex oral spray (a combination of THC and CBD approved for treating neuropathic pain in patients with multiple sclerosis), CBD attenuates THC’s psychotropic side effects.
There are numerous studies confirming CBD’s anxiolytic effects. A few of the most notable ones include:
- The widely recognized 2011 study which found that CBD helped reduce anxiety and discomfort during public speaking in people with social anxiety disorder.
- Another study from the same year which showed that CBD reduces the general anxiety levels in those suffering from this social anxiety disorder.
- A review of 49 studies which overwhelmingly supported CBD as a treatment for generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
- A recent study which found CBD to be effective against insomnia, as well as generalized anxiety in 70-80% of participants.
- Another recent study which reported anxiolytic, antipsychotic, and neuroprotective properties of CBD, citing it as a “useful and promising molecule that may help patients with a number of clinical conditions.”
CBD’s stimulating effect on the parasympathetic nervous system and inhibitory effect on the sympathetic nervous system is understood as the underlying basis for the general calming effect of this cannabinoid. It’s also assumed that CBD’s anxiolytic effects are the result of its action on the serotonergic system, specifically by activating the 5-HT1A receptor. Levels of serotonin, the neurotransmitter responsible for governing mood, sleep, digestion, and behavior, and the bioavailability of its receptors, have been shown to directly regulate anxiety levels.
You can use CBD for anxiety symptom relief by vaporizing CBD oil, using CBD tinctures sublingually, or consuming CBD edibles such as gummies.The way of intake and the dosage taken will determine the onset and duration of the effects.
Read our full article on the use of CBD for anxiety here
#11 – Managing Depression
With an estimated 17.3 million (or 7.1%) of American adults suffering from depression, it is among the most common psychological and psychiatric disorders in the US. With conventional treatments, which are plagued with frequent moderate to severe side effects, being overprescribed and millions of patients forming chronic dependency on them, safer, more natural and effective treatments are needed more than ever.
Although clinical trials on humans ascertaining the effectiveness of CBD oil for depression are rare, animal model studies, such as these ones from 2014, 2018, and 2019, indicate that it could have similar success as the use of CBD for anxiety has. After all, depression and anxiety are highly comorbid and are assumed to be caused by similar neural processes.
Just like for anxiety, it’s assumed that CBD can act as an antidepressant due to its activation of the 5-HT1A receptor. The most common depression pharmaceuticals, SSRIs, also regulate serotonin levels by inhibiting its reuptake, or slowing the rate at which it is reused by the neurons that make it; this increases the amount of serotonin available. CBD oil may show to be more effective in treating depression due to its direct impact on the serotonin receptor.

Our recommended brand of CBD oils and tinctures for depression and anxiety is CBDfx. Click here to shop
You can use CBD for depression alleviation by vaporizing CBD oil, using CBD tinctures sublingually, or consuming CBD edibles such as gummies.The way of intake and the dosage taken will determine the onset and duration of the effects.
Read our full article on the use of CBD for depression here
#12 – Treating Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Post-traumatic stress disorder is a psychiatric disease which occurs in victims who were involved in extremely stressful accidents or situations (such as wars, calamities, disastrous situations and so on). It represents a prolonged maladaptive reaction to the experiences, followed by flashbacks (horrifying memories of the event) and sometimes overwhelming anxiety.
Current pharmacological therapy options for PTSD have been shown to be inefficient and produce considerable side effects. This is why many who suffer from PTSD are turning to alternative treatments.
The endocannabinoid system was found to be involved in the processing of emotional memories; due to this connection, the possibility for treating PTSD lies in the pharmacological manipulation of the signaling of this system.
A recent research review points out that in studies conducted on rodents, CBD was able to extinguish aversive memories and inhibit their reconsolidation. The subsequent human trials were similar; they “confirmed the ability of CBD to alter important aspects of aversive memories in humans and promote significant improvements in the symptomatology of PTSD.” A study on a small group of PTSD patients conducted after the review reported that the overwhelming number of participants had experienced a significant decrease in symptom severity after eight weeks of CBD therapy.
It’s assumed that the use of CBD oil for PTSD has a neurobiological basis in similar processes as the ones that enable it to regulate anxiety. The indirect interaction of CBD with the endocannabinoid system and its direct action on the 5-HT1A serotonin receptor relieve anxiety and create more calm, stable brain chemistry. Additionally, CBD can help by countering insomnia, one of the most damaging symptoms of PTSD.
#13 – Regulating Sleep and Suppressing Insomnia
By helping users alleviate stress and anxiety, CBD can counter the primary cause of lack of sleep and insomnia. The same biochemical mechanisms that promote cerebral relaxation are at play – CBD’s impact on the endocannabinoid system and its interaction with the 5-HT1A receptors.
If using CBD for improving sleep, however, it’s important to note that the effects are dose-dependent and highly idiosyncratic. They will depend on the body weight, how individuals process the compound, and how cannabinoid receptors are distributed throughout the body. Generally speaking, low dosages seem to keep users more alert, while higher ones can induce drowsiness.

Our recommended brand of CBD for insomnia is Nanocraft CBD. Click here to shop
There are various ways to take CBD for sleep regulation, but edibles may be the best solution, as they are processed by the liver like other supplements, so the CBD stays active longer in the system.
Read our full article on using CBD for insomnia here
#14 – Treating Arthritis
Arthritis is the inflammation of one or more joints in the body. There are over a hundred different types of arthritis, with two most frequent ones being rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. They all have pain and swelling in common, and the anti-inflammatory and analgesic action of CBD means that CBD oil can have direct benefits for treating arthritis symptoms.
A 2016 study conducted on a rat model of arthritis reported that CBD gel was effective in reducing the pain and swelling in the rats’ joints. They found that the effectiveness has a hockey stick correlation with the dosage, and that the plateau already begins at quite low amounts.
Edible forms of CBD should be able to provide general anti-inflammatory benefits to arthritis sufferers, while topical solutions containing CBD oil can be soothing and healing for localized joint pains.
CBDfx’s products are a reliable choice for those suffering from arthritis. Click here to shop for creams and here for capsules.
Read our full article on using CBD against arthritis inflammations here
#15 – Reducing Psychoticism and Symptoms of Schizophrenia
Conventional antipsychotics have been found to induce extrapyramidal signs and symptoms (EPS) and elevate the levels of prolactin. As these side effects make them less clinically valuable, there have been numerous studies looking into atypical antipsychotics. This is why CBD seems to be garnering scientific interest as a potential novel antipsychotic that has a non-D2 antagonist mechanism of action and no psychotropic effects. However, the studies conducted so far have had mixed results.
A recent research review presented seemingly random effects (positive or non-significant) reported in studies on how various dosages and lengths of treatment affect the psychotic symptoms of schizophrenic, bipolar, and Parkinson’s Disease patients, as well as those in clinical high-risk states for psychosis (CHR-P).
Although another review covering thirty years of research into the application of CBD for psychosis suggested that “CBD may be a future therapeutic option in psychosis, in general and in schizophrenia, in particular,” we definitely need more results of very specific research. Psychotic symptoms are consequences of highly complex mental dysfunctions and are often comorbid with many other disorders.
Still, all said, contrasted with the suffering psychotic patients endure almost every living moment, CBD, with its negligible side effects, is well worth a try.
#16 – Possibly Therapeutic on Pets
Theoretically, CBD should work in similar ways on cats and dogs as it does on humans and rodents. However, while we have an abundance of legitimate research for the latter, we have none for the former.
So, we don’t know if it works.
But it seems like it does, at least in alleviating symptoms of arthritis, pain, inflammation, and anxiety. In the words of Mark Verdino, MD, senior vice president and chief of veterinary staff at North Shore Animal League America, who describes in his Huffpost interview the effect of administering CBD oil to his own elderly dog: “At night time when the lights are dimmed down, it’s dark out, they don’t see it well in the dark, and he gets a little spooked. And when I give him the CBD, he seems to just go to sleep […] So is it helping with the anxiety, or is it just making him drowsy? I don’t know, but it seems to help. So we have a symptom, and it helps with that symptom.”

Our recommended brand of CBD for dogs and cats is MedTerra. Click here to shop
Whatever the actual mechanism, if CBD can make your pet suffer less, it’s worth a try.
Read all we know about giving CBD to dogs and cats here
#17 – Fighting Autoimmune Diseases such as Lupus, Fibromyalgia, and Multiple Sclerosis
The benefits of CBD for autoimmune diseases is mostly scientifically uncharted territory. These are complicated conditions whose origins and progression are, in and of themselves, still insufficiently understood.
However, autoimmune diseases, in their most basic definition, are generalized inflammatory responses of certain parts of the body. As such, taking CBD may help alleviate the body’s self-attacking reaction, and it can certainly help with managing some of the symptoms, as described in other entries.
The effectiveness of cannabinoids on autoimmune disorders only started being the subject of scientific research in the last few years. One study which looked into the relationship of the dysregulation of the endocannabinoid system and systemic lupus erythematosus found promising results which, according to the researchers, represent “proof-of-concept to the development of cannabis-based medicine as immune-modulating agents.”
Another recent study, which examined the effect of CBD on an animal model of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), found that the treatment led to an increase in myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs), which, in turn, helped suppress the EAE.
Finally, an observational study found that cannabis consumption significantly helps alleviate the symptoms of fibromyalgia. The researchers conceded that they couldn’t test for differences in the THC vs CBD benefits, as the participants were using their personal strains of marijuana. However, they noted substantial improvements in measures of pain, cognitive impairment, and fatigue after the six-month treatment.
This field is yet to grow, and we advise caution in using CBD for autoimmune diseases, as well as a consultation with the primary caregiver, especially since CBD may interact negatively with some pharmaceuticals. However, all in all, autoimmune disease symptoms fall into the category of life-breaking disorders, and CBD is a low risk alternative that may bring relief.
Read our full article on using CBD for fibromyalgia here
#18 – Reducing IBS and IBD (Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis) Symptoms
Inflammatory bowel disease (also known as IBD) is a collection of gastrointestinal symptoms caused by inflammation in the digestive tract.
There is emerging evidence that cannabis may play a role in the management of patients with IBD. A recent research review reported that “The current studies that have explored the use of cannabis in IBD have demonstrated improvement in a number of gastrointestinal symptoms as well as patient quality of life. There has been no clear evidence, however, that cannabis modulates inflammation or improves disease activity.”
The authors, however, concede that “The few randomized trials that have been performed are small and insufficiently powered to detect any clinically significant differences between cannabis and placebo.”
The two studies which examined the effect of CBD on Crohn’s Disease and ulcerative colitis seem to have also used quite low doses of CBD extract. One promising study, however, has found that CBD had an anti-inflammatory effect on biopsied samples of ulcerative colitis from human patients and on LPS-induced intestinal inflammation in mice.
IBS is similar to IBD in that they are both chronic gut disorders. However, it’s milder, non-life threatening, and usually doesn’t cause dangerous complications such as ulcers or lesions in the bowel. IBS usually involves only the colon, its origins are unknown, and it presents itself with vague, but uncomfortable symptoms.
IBS may also be helped by use of CBD oil. Firstly, CBD may help relax the tissues in the gastrointestinal tract, which can lead to fewer episodes of bloating, gas, constipation and diarrhoea. It can also alleviate the nausea, pain, and gastric inflammation, as well as reduce gastrointestinal motility, or stop the food from moving too quickly through the system.
This field of research is just starting to emerge and we will have to wait for larger-scale studies to validate CBD’s effect on gastrointestinal disorders. However, the many anecdotal accounts available online seem to be encouraging.
#19 – Reduces Negative Effects of THC
Aside from its numerous standalone applications, CBD also seems to offer natural suppression of what many people find off-putting in a THC-rich cannabis “high.” It has what is called an “entourage effect” when consumed in sufficient concentrations along with THC.
Studies have shown that CBD is responsible for attenuating the main negative effects of THC – the psychotropic ones like anxiety and paranoia, and the physiological ones like rapid heart rate and high blood pressure.
CBD appears to do this partly by blocking out some of the CB1 receptors, which THC has an affinity for. But CBD also impacts other receptors; it has at least fourteen distinct neural mechanisms of action recognized by science. It’s likely that, in large part, its anxiolytic function comes from its action on the 5-HT1A serotonin receptor, but the other neurophysiological processes it is responsible for likely contribute to it.
A 2010 study showed that, in terms of anxiety, participants had a much better tolerance to the combination of the THC and CBD than to THC alone.
Read our full article on the entourage effect in cannabis here
#20 – Cardiovascular Benefits
CBD has recently been gaining interest for its potentially therapeutic effects on the cardiovascular system. In vitro studies conducted on isolated rodent arteries indicate that it enhances vasorelaxation and reduces the vascular hyperpermeability in high-glucose environments. It has also been shown to reduce infarct size and increase blood flow in animal models of stroke, which is attributed to its action on the 5-HT1A receptor. Finally, the generalized stress relief effects of CBD also mean that it can reduce the cardiovascular system’s response to it, while at the same protecting white blood cells and their migration, as well as regulating blood platelet aggregation.
While more studies are needed, especially large-scale human trials, these preclinical results are very encouraging.
CBD Benefits Outweigh the Risks
With all of these science-backed CBD benefits and very few potential mild side effects, the question is: why WOULDN’T you use CBD oil? We are just beginning to unravel the extent of this compound’s therapeutic properties, but so far it’s seeming like they are almost universal. It will take a while until CBD oil benefits are properly vetted by science and approved for clinical use. However, with low risk and potentially high gain, for many people suffering from serious disorders CBD may become indispensable.
Have you used CBD oil or other CBD products for treating a medical condition? What is your experience?
If you haven’t tried CBD, are you considering it? What for, and what are your concerns?
Please share them with us in the comments below.
Hi, I have been using cbd oil for nearly a year now.
Panic attacks lead me to a psychiatrist who medicated me with
tablets that my body just wouldn’t accept. So I looked for an
alternative form of treatment. Upon taking cbd oil I have found
my life to be a whole lot better than before. Every negative thing
such as arthritis, rheumatism, depression, sleeplessness, eyesight
and more has totally improved. Best thing ever to me…..and good for the dog too.
I’ve found it helpful with my nerve damage.
I’ve found it to help with nerve pain n also helps with migraines
Thanks for sharing great information. I was searching for the CBD cannabis oil benefits of Health and i found such useful information here. I come to that is help in so many disease like Cancer Healing, Healing Acne, Anxiety Alleviating, to reduce Seizures and so on…Keep sharing nice information.
The best part of your blog is when you said that CBD oil has a lot of benefits in the field of psychiatry and can reduce anxiety. My best friend told me that she’s experiencing anxiety attacks again after her husband died. She wanted to find a natural solution that can calm her and can reduce her anxiety problems so she can have a normal life again. Thanks!
I want to use CBD oil to stop smoking I have very bad anxiety and depression can this truly help all that at once
Yes! I’m 7 months smoke free. All good I don’t crave . I also have anxiety and doctor wanted me on antidepressants. I chose CBD route. It has done wonders. I take it daily. Even though I don’t feel anxious. It’s my daily med!
Great uses. Thanks for sharing.
What kind should I get? I have awful pain. I have a hard time sleeping. I also have fibromyalgia. My back & neck cannot be help by surgery. I was born without a hip socket, it never fully developed. I have had pain all of my life. I do have depression, not terrible just constant. Anxiety, sometimes terrible. I need an idea of what to get ! I get very frustrated looking! Help!
Do I have to vape cbd to help with smoking cessation or will the oil work as well? I want to quit but need to break the smoking action as well as the cravings and withdrawal side effects
Thanks for sharing such a wonderful article.
The use of CBD oil is becoming increasingly common in treating anxiety and getting healthy. With so many studies to back up a person’s emotional well-being with the positive effects and advantages of CBD, it’s not really surprising why.
But it can differ depending on person to person so anyone thinking of using CBD or Cannabis should consider doctor before in-taking even a single dose.
I ordered CBD oil to help with quitting smoking and unfortunately no instructions cane with it? I ordered from a site in fb and I’m having trouble finding it again? It’s reads on bottle to use3-5 drops daily and was wondering if it can be added in a drink or just put directly in the mouth? Hoping for some onsite. Also I had read somewhere it also helps with energy along with other ailments and wondering if this is true? If I can get a little help with these questions it would be appreciated
We gave CBD to our dog for seizures and it stopped them. He was having dozens a day. It was horrible. When we stopped the CBD they would come back.
Wow this is amazing!
CBD contains Alpha Linolenic Acid, (ALA) and is contraindicated for Prostate Cancer. (PC)
ALA fuels PC tumour growth.